Lachlan {2 year old}

Meet Lachlan!

I just Love this little guy! You may remember him from the last time he blew up the blog!  You can check it out here!   Lachlan is my best friend, Brittany, nephew and he has been a little cutie since he was born. I have gotten the privilege of watching him grow up via instagram, social media is the bomb for that!

Last summer I thought that this little guy could not be cuter and now has a rockstar british personality to go along with his cuteness and its awesome! This past weekend Brittany texted me to tell me he was in town from Charleston and I was sad because I thought i would have to work and not get to see him. Luckily I got off saturday and ran around taking pics of this kid for his birthday/ easter celebration! I am so thankful for friends who have cute babies, it makes my job so much easier! Lachlan turns two years old April 27th and I cant wait to see the little guy he becomes this next year!

Happy Birthday Lachlan you are so very loved by many! Now, enjoy a few of my faves! 

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